let me rewind. alot has been going on in the binkley household. the year began with a great deal of mourning on my end. i am always sad after christmas has passed, and this year it was even worse because the end of christmas also meant leaving clarksville. fortunately, well, kind of, i had a glorious box of chocolates (thank you to the meadows) and a sackful of homeade cookies that i was able to lean on during such a difficult time. almost 4 weeks later, i'm still trying to repair the damage of my massive sugar intake.
on the 11th, will and i celebrated our 6 month anniversary with a visit from my uncle lynn, who delivered to us a beautiful oak china cabinet, once belonging to my grandmama. we enjoyed spending some time with him at one of our favorite eateries, and then came back to the house to catch up. since then, i have been filling up the cabinet, and re-organizing all of our kitchen/dining room stuff. pictures to come soon! will also used our anniversary to surprise me with the boxed dvd collection of my favorite movies: anne of green gables. poor thing has already been subjected to four hours of it. i'm sure he's wondering what he was thinking ever getting it for me :)
while will has been off from the regular school semester, he decided to take a jan-term class a few weeks ago. he did great, and absolutely loved the class. the final project is due next week, and he is working ever so hard to finish it up, as the new school semester begins this coming monday. in the meantime, i started a second job at bridal warehouse on the weekends. while i've been enjoying the social interaction and extra income, the lack of rest and sense of chaos going on in my household is about to push me over the edge. thus, i have decided will and i need a vacation. i will begin planning it when i get some free time to do so. :)
on another note, i am hopefully coming to an end with my physical therapy. i have made huge strides in my recovery, and am making some days with no back pain at all! this is a big deal considering a month ago i had the posture of an 80 year old woman - no offense grandmother :) now, we just have to face the pains of dealing with the settlement over all of this. pray for me to not be ugly. this situation has brought out an anger and bitterness in me that i have never in my life experienced before. will has on more than one occasion had to settle me down. it is just not a good thing for either of us.
as the month of january comes to a close, we will be returning to clarksville for a weekend of fun. we will leave here this saturday, and see my brother's band play that night at home. sunday night will is preaching in springfield, tn. monday we will come back. though it is a quick trip, we are both really excited and ready for it. me probably a little more than will - i've already started packing :)
this blog would be incomplete if i didn't give a shout out to one of my most faithful readers, to which i have been informed happens to be miss emily meadows. i am so happy to know that someone besides my mother and mr. bill get excited to read this! haha :) i'm sure others in our families do as well, i just only get to hear about it from them. thank you to both amy and emily for our sweet letters. without kids, i don't have refrigerator art, but now i have some from you two! we loved hearing from you both, and hope to get to see you girls next visit.
love to our families and friends back home, especially mr. ray and mrs. sherri (thinking of you!). pray for us in this new year, and that we would be open to whatever GOD would have us to do. xo
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