Sunday, November 8, 2009

marriage pains and money strains

tomorrow starts the second official week of november, and before i forget, i wanted to post a few pics of our "fall friendly" decorations that will be gone in a matter of weeks:

Mom and I made this! I LOVE these placemats. A gift from Mom :)

This was our pumpkin. Will picked it out :)

Enough about that. I have recently discovered that making things rather than buying them is WAY more fun. Last night, after a long day of dishes, errands, and police interrogations, (I was pulled over because I didn't have my headlights on. Apparently, I've been driving without them on for almost 4 months now. Oops. Must be a blonde thing.) I decided to wrap a few Christmas gifts I bought earlier in the year. I realized I needed a couple of bags, but only had wedding ones.

Here, my project began. I raided the top of my closet for all of my scrapbooking papers and tools, and went to town on some of the bags. I've started on three now, but don't have them completely finished yet. Here is one I've almost got done:

Front Back

Bottom - It says, "This bag was made especially
for you by: Sarah Laughren"

I was obviously very excited with the results, and even moreso because it didn't cost a dime! I couldn't wait to show Will, but he just laughed and said, "You're cute." What the heck?!?! I'm learning just how very different man is from woman DAILY. Speaking of which, I decided to document his end-of-school-semester-disaster that has become the office/guest room. I wish I had thought to do this long ago, so you could have seen what the room looked like pre-disaster. This is it's current state:

At this point, I have given up, and simply shut the door.

This Wednesday makes 4 months, and it truly has flown. Will and I talked last night about how it seemed like just yesterday we got married, and now here we are nearing the half year mark. God has blessed us over and over again in the short time we have been here together. Will was promoted to shift just 3 weeks after we got home. I got the job I wanted a day after interviewing for it, and only a month after being here. We have an amazing church that we have both become members of, and recently found a Sunday School class that we are already making new friends in, and getting more involved.

While my health has been poor for the majority of October, and we were dealing with several medical bills we hadn't planned on, God took care of all our needs. Thursday night I layed in bed and prayed for a long time, and told Jesus I wasn't going to worry about the money we were having to put out, and that I knew He had full control. I told him I was okay with eating pb&j for the next few weeks until we got our next paychecks :) Friday afternoon as I left work, one of my co-workers asked if we wanted any food. She explained that she and her husband were moving the following weekend and they had doubles and triples of items that they needed to get rid of. I told her that we'd take anything she didn't want. That evening she arrived with two boxes and three or four bags of canned goods, frozen items, toilet paper, hair products, boxed items, etc. Nearly everything she brought was on our evergrowing shopping list that hangs on the refrigerator. I didn't know what to think, other than my God is the ULTIMATE PROVIDER!

These are only a few things God has taken care of, but know that there are innumerable blessings He pours on us each and every day, all the time. I know it is easy for blessings to begin to feel normal, as if they are expected. Thus, we lose sight of their magnitude and often forget to praise God for the works He is doing in and around us, but I am learning more and more to fully appreciate the beauty of His generosity and graciousness, when we are so incredibly undeserving.

Now, not to go all "soon to be preacher's wife" of any of you, but as a believer, I would not be doing what God has called of us all, if I didn't say what is on my heart in this very moment. I know most of who reads this are family and close friends(even more a reason to share this), and it is my prayer that you already know the Savior I know and love, but if not, I pray that you would come to walk in His light. Life can be so dark sometimes, even as a Christian. I cannot imagine going through it without Jesus as my flashlight. I say this because of the warmth and guidance I have felt from the Lord while being away from our families and friends, and so desire the people in mine and Will's lives to know the peace and comfort found ONLY in the arms of God.

So 4 months, and life only gets better, and the laughter is endless. I've discovered making me laugh is Will's way of getting himself out of trouble. He's pretty good at it too. I've always known he had many wonderful qualities, but this one takes the cake. It's how my Daddy-O diverts my frownie faces too :)

I love him a little more each day, and while he says I am "hostile," I think he loves me a little more too ;) To top it all off, we love each and every one of you, and hope you know just how precious you are. We are so looking forward to the holidays, and the time we will get to spend with you. Pray for us in the meantime. And pray an extra prayer for me because this is what I have to go home to:
