Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm a working woman!

What a week it has been! God is so good, and I have a job. I was beginning to worry I might grow to the couch if I didn't get one pretty soon :) After a quick trip back home last week for Will's aunt's funeral, we were both exhausted and I was rather cranky. The combination of the two unfortunately catapulted me into my very first meltdown over moving and missing everyone. Of course, this did not phase Will. He knew just what to do and came home with a big planter of bright yellow mums! No they are not from Betsy's, but it does make it feel a bit more like home :)

This week has proved to be better, as I began my new job (Yes, the one I wanted!!!) and Will started his second week in school. It is obvious I am working again because of the unfolded clothes and dirty dishes that I can't seem to make disappear. Thank goodness for spare rooms and dishwashers! Will has hit the ground running with his classes, and I am doing my best to leave him alone as he studies and reads. His first quiz is this Thursday so say a special prayer for him. It is in his Greek course, and to be quite honest, just looking at the words he has to learn makes me tired. From what I've seen, Greek looks like hieroglyphics. Not at all what I would consider fun. But until it is over, he remains a slave to his flashcards, and I must busy myself with arranging bath towels and cleaning under the sink.

On a more exciting note, I am loving my new job. It has its stressful moments, (one of which was yesterday when I was thrown up on) but is already blessing me in huge ways. I have had the opportunity to visit with and minister to several of the mothers already, and am getting to love on their sweet babies as well. I couldn't have asked for a position more suited for my heart. Thank you to any and everyone who prayed for me as I was searching for a job.

We love and miss each and every one of you! Special side note to Mr. Ray, Mrs. Sherri, and Brian: I love you soooooooooooooooo much and am praying for you all throughout my day, everyday. Words cannot express how much you mean to me, and how desperately I wish to be there to hug on you all. Thinking of you . . .

1 comment:

  1. Excuse me, secret blogger! Why didn't you tell me you had a blog???? Well if you were trying to hide it from me, you failed. I know your secret and you can't keep me away! YAY for more bloggers!

    CONGRATS on the new job!! That is so exciting!! So what's next on the agenda?? You need to blog about your apartment so I can see it... Hope all is well!
